“Сдружение Брейнсторм груп” гр. Разлог е Сдружение с нестопанска цел за осъществяване на дейност в обществена полза. Сдружението осъществява дейността си на основата на доброволност на членството, изборност и периодична отчетност на ръководните органи. Сдружението е самоуправляващо се, демократично, необвързано с политически, религиозни, етнически и расови доктрини и организации.
Предмет на дейност на сдружението:
Предметът на дейност на сдружението е в съответствие с целите на сдружението и съобразно предвидените в този Устав средства за постигането им, включително и чрез други позволени от закона средства /без такива, за които законът изисква особена организационна форма или специален лицензионен режим/.
Основните цели на Сдружението са:
Предлага разнообразни форми на активност на младежите (ученици, студенти и др.), като ги стимулира да развиват демократично гражданско поведение; да формират, отстояват и защитават активна гражданска позиция. Осъществява взаимодействие и партньорство с международни, национални, регионални и местни организации и сдружения, които реализират дейности в полза на изграждане на младежка политика и гражданско общество. Съдейства на държавата, общината и различни институции за развитие на образованието, културата, спорта, туризма, екологията, икономиката, гражданското общество и демокрацията.
Предлага знания за ефективно общуване, публична реч и водене на спорове. Осигурява специална грижа за деца в риск и деца в неравностойно положение. Инициира проекти, насърчаващи грижата за хора със специални нужди.
Средства за постигане на целите:
Провежда обучения (курсове, семинари, образователни лагери, конференции) по управление и развитие на демократичното гражданство, публична реч, спорове, човешки права, екологично и здравно образование.
Създава клубове по интереси за отговор на потребностите на общността. Реализира проучвания и анализи според нуждите на гражданската общност. Подготвя, реализира младежки проекти, обмен и сътрудничество на местно, регионално, национално и международно ниво между млади хора и младежки организации.
Привлича експерти специалисти и доброволци за подпомагане дейността на Сдружението.
Организира форми на обучение и преквалификация с оглед задоволяване нуждите на младите хора.
Предоставя актуална информация за по-добро образование, личностно развитие и реализация, включително на хора със увреждания. Реализира и подкрепя проекти и програми в областта на образованието, културата, екологията, икономиката, младежката заетост и гражданското общество.
Сдружението се управлява от Управителен съвет в състав:
д-р Катя Бранкова, Кинка Пенджакова, Велина Кърджиева.
Association “Brainstorm group”, Bulgaria is a private non-governmental organization for public benefit. The aim of the NGO is to prepare youths and unemployed citizens for successful participation in the European labour market, provide career consultancy services and raise awareness about contemporary economics and opportunities for joint ventures in EU by organizing workshops in entrepreneurship and self-employment.
Our objectives are:
- Organizing courses, seminars, training camps, conferences and international exchange programs for young people and unemployed for career development starting from basic competencies acquisition to effective communication skills, leadership and entrepreneurship.
- Providing guidance and helping in internships and job placement and setting up of own companies
- Supporting youths initiatives and participation in Erasmus+ programs
- Initiating human rights projects fostering equality care for people with special needs and programs for inclusion of disadvantaged, especially those living in remote rural regions.
- Setting up youth clubs of interest for promotion of national and European culture and traditions.
- Offering information, administrative and consulting services for NGOs and schools
- Publishing, advertising and translation activities to achieve the objectives of the association.
The leaders of “Brainstorm Group” are experienced in running educational projects and have participated in LLP and Erasmus+ youth’ trainings and exchanges.
The president of “Brainstorm group”, Bulgaria, Katya Brankova, is a bachelor of Business Administration in the hospitality industry, holds a doctor’s degree/PhD in history and specialized business and International law. As a senior History teacher, she’s got an additional qualification in civics and non-formal training of youths. Her interests are in history, tourism, management and entrepreneurship and she published works in the sphere of history, philanthropy, teaching cultural diversity and other traditions and customs. Katya possesses considerable organizational experience as a school director for more than 10 years when she regularly up-graded her qualification in management, strategic planning, fiscal policies in public educational institutions and business administration. She managed Comenius and Leonardo da Vinchy projects, participated and facilitated workshops on project composition, implementation, evaluation and valorization. This helped her engagement as an evaluator of the projects of local initiative groups. Katya speaks English, Russian and some French.
The vice president, Kinka Ivanova, is a keen environmentalist; holds a Master’s degree in Chemistry and MA in the English language. She has been a senior English teacher and a youth leader for 22 years, specialized in teacher training courses in Norwich, UK and Brighton, UK. Eager to get involved in International projects, Kinka participated in TEA PROGRAM, USA, in ESFALP PROGRAM – Eco-project “From the rubbish bin to the catwalk”; and in Comenius projects. She organizes international summer camps and implements non-formal methods of training, group work and Content Language Integrated Learning, introducing the following themes: environment and climate change, endangered species, pollution, recycling and re-using, career development, entrepreneurship and health and wellbeing. Kinka is fluent in English and Russian.
The vice president acting as a contact person, Velina Kardzhieva is a student in Law at Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski. As a youth worker, she has got experience in European projects. Velina is fluent in English and communicates in Spanish and Russian.
“Brainstorm Group” volunteers are involved in organizing in Junior Achievement programme for founding students companies and job shadowing. As our name states, we non-judgmentally take into consideration the most innovative trends in youth organization activities and global education and place youngsters in the centre of the learning process.
We established connections with youths from Spain, Poland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Italy, Romania, France, Byelorussia, Albania, Armenia, Georgia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Azerbaijan.
The key staffs of the organization are teachers in History and English, a student in Law, who is experienced in organizing workshops for entrepreneurs. The president of the organization was a school director with considerable organizational experience in LLP. The contact person, taught economics and ran Junior Achievement courses and coordinated Comenius and Erasmus+ projects.
The association was founded in order to organize courses for community members and students from the schools in the rural region, out of school youths and unemployed. The staff who will be involved in the current project will be engaged in running the activities in Bulgaria take part in meetings and trainings and will commit themselves in the composition, implementation and evaluation of educational materials.
Legal representatives: Katya Brankova, Kinka Pendjakova, Velina Kardzhieva.