Project ”UNITED” includes Municipality of Raska (Youth Office and Service for local economic development), and 7 more partners from Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia and Slovakia.
The project will be lead by the Municipality of Raska – Youth Office.
There will be 31 international participants (and 8 from Raska), who will have a chance to improve conditions for civic and democratic participation throw engagement in debates and discussions about the economy, entrepreneurship, agriculture and tourism. Because Serbia it’s not a part of EU yet, our partners will promote opportunities for societal (EU funding, local volunteering) and intercultural engagement and youth programmes. Organisations will provide public reach via social networks, web pages and local media (TV, radio, newspaper). New FB page and FB group will be established to keep people informed and in touch. Dissemination will also be provided by using logos of EU4Citizens and advertising the project together with festival Dani kraljice Jelene Anžujske (Days of Jelena Anzujska queen), which has a regional audience.
Our aim is to “bring” Europe to Raska, to raise awareness about EU by informing local citizens about EU procedures and programmes. Secondly, we want to initiate international cooperation with towns and municipalities from the EU countries which have a lot of experience as EU members and, firstly, on the way to EU, because we need that knowledge and experiences. The third aim is initiating of mutual socio-economic cooperation of towns, NGO ‘s and municipalities included. Cooperation will be formalised by the signing of Agreement between all actors included.
The topic will be the EU policies in rural areas and social responsibilities and volunteering that also coincides with the specific programme aim for promoting opportunities for societal and intercultural engagement and volunteering.
One of the most interesting projects finished.
That is the beginning of the new friendship and collaboration.
For more information, please follow the link below